The Role of a Hearing Specialist in Tinnitus Management

side of mans head and ear

Have you noticed a high-pitched ringing or similar persistent noise in your ear, despite nothing seemingly causing it? Known as tinnitus, this can be an irritating issue that also interferes with your ability to hear. It can often be worrying when it starts, but you mightn’t know what you should do about it. The first step is to see an audiologist or hearing specialist. They can help you in several ways, and might even help you treat your tinnitus.

At a minimum, they can help you minimize the impact it has on your life. If you’ve never been to an audiologist before, you might not know how they can actually help you. When you’re experiencing tinnitus, they can help you in more than a few ways.

Finding the Source of Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus doesn’t develop for no reason. There is typically an underlying cause for the symptoms you’re experiencing. Your audiologist will help you find and treat the underlying cause, no matter what it might be. There can be a wide range of causes for this, with some of them being temporary. A buildup of earwax or a short exposure to loud noises can be some of the more notable of these. Even a minor injury or some medication could cause it.

Sometimes, however, tinnitus can be prolonged and even permanent. In these cases, there’s normally a larger issue at hand. An audiologist figures out what the underlying cause is, and helps develop a treatment and management plan to deal with it.

Prescribing Hearing Aids

Some hearing aids are designed with masking features that cover the high-pitched noise tinnitus is known for. This can be a great way to overcome the issue, and an audiologist is the best person to talk to about this.

By working with a hearing specialist, you can get a hearing aid that perfectly masks the noise. At the same time, it could train your ear to ignore the noise in the first place. Alternatively, you could get a tinnitus masker, which is great if you’re not experiencing hearing loss. These solutions could also be recommended in-tandem with additional relief methods, including:

  • Sound machines: These are standalone machines that mask the high-pitched sound associated with tinnitus. They’re usually used at night time and emit white noise to help you sleep better at night.
  • Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT): This combines psychological therapy and the use of masking devices to help overcome your tinnitus. You’ll be given the tools you need to overcome your tinnitus, but it might take some time to achieve.

With at least one of these, you’ll be in a better position to manage your tinnitus and the impact it has on your life.

Suggesting Lifestyle Changes

Tinnitus can be caused by a range of factors, and some of these don’t need hearing aids or similar options to be rectified. Some ways of managing and even treating tinnitus could be as simple as some minor lifestyle changes.

A buildup of earwax can be one of the more minor causes of tinnitus, and it’s the easiest one to address. You may need to have the blockage removed by an audiologist and then the tinnitus symptoms should reside. Some medications could even cause tinnitus. While you mightn’t be able to stop taking medication, you could switch it to something else. You’ll need to consult a medical professional about this to figure out what the best medication for you is.

If you listen to any loud music or regularly attend concerts, it might be worth changing this. Regular exposure to loud noises can cause tinnitus, and it can get worse if this is prolonged. Turn the volume down or stop attending concerts for the foreseeable future, and you should notice a difference.

See an Audiologist Today

If you’re experiencing tinnitus, you should consult an audiologist as soon as possible. They’ll help you find the cause of your symptoms, as well as help you find ways to manage it. You’ll have a much better quality of life because of that.

At Pittsburgh Ear LLC, we understand the toll tinnitus can take on your everyday life. That’s why we offer a host of options to our patients to help them manage their symptoms. If you’re looking for more information on tinnitus treatment, feel free to give our team a call today at 412-348-8016, 412-348-8195 or 412-348-8194 to set up an appointment and see how we can help you!