Hearing Loss and Aging: What Everyone Over 50 Should Know

man expressively gesturing towards his ear while working from home

Hearing loss is caused by various factors, and it becomes more common as people age. While it doesn’t happen to everyone, it’s something you need to consider when you’re over 50. You could be more at-risk of experiencing it, especially if your lifestyle includes various factors.

That doesn’t mean people are as worried about it as they might need to be.

If you’re over 50, there might be a few things you need to know about it. When to see an audiologist is one of the more notable of these, with it being recommended you see them if you start experiencing hearing loss. Getting regular checkups is also recommended, but this can be relatively obvious. There are more than a few things you could need to know that you might not have thought about. It’s worth going through all of them.

Identify Signs of Hearing Loss

When most people think of hearing loss, they’ll envision a few normal things. Not being able to hear much is the most obvious of these, but the signs of hearing loss can often be more subtle than that.

If you’re over 50, you could experience several of them without realizing they’re related to losing your hearing. Some of the more notable of these signs are:

  • Not understanding conversations because of background noise
  • Needing to turn up the television volume
  • Trouble with understanding phone conversations
  • Needing to ask people to repeat themselves regularly

These can start off quite subtly but will get progressively worse over time. You’ll start to notice them more and more, so it’s worth seeing an audiologist as soon as you notice them.

How to Address Haering Loss

If you start to notice the signs of hearing loss, it’s natural to get worried about how your life will change. You’ll need to learn how to cope with hearing loss, which doesn’t have to be as complicated as you’d think.

Instead, it’s just a matter of taking a few particular steps to maintain your quality of life:

  • Letting the people in your life know you’re experiencing hearing loss
  • Asking people to speak louder than they usually do
  • Informing people if you don’t understand what they just said
  • Finding somewhere you can actually listen to and hear someone properly

Then there’s seeing an audiologist, which helps more than you may realize. They can figure out the cause of your hearing loss and can help you manage it. They’ll work with you to maintain your quality of life and minimize the impact of your hearing loss on your life.

In many cases, this means getting a hearing device. It’s worth looking at these a little more in-depth.

Devices That Help with Hearing Loss

You likely would’ve heard about hearing aids before. They’re one of the more common devices used to help with hearing loss. They come in a multitude of styles, making them a solution that can be tailored to your specific needs. The most popular hearing aid types include:

  • Behind the ear (BTE): This style features a casing that rests behind the ear, connected to an earmold or tubing that fits inside the ear canal. BTE hearing aids are versatile and suitable for various degrees of hearing loss.
  • In the ear (ITE): ITE hearing aids are custom-made to fit the individual’s ear and are designed to sit within the outer portion of the ear. They are medium-sized and offer ease of use and accessibility.
  • In the canal (ITC): ITC hearing aids sit partially in the ear canal, making them less visible while still allowing for easy insertion and removal. They are suitable for mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss.
  • Completely in canal (CIC): CIC hearing aids are discreet and fit entirely within the ear canal, making them less visible. They are suitable for mild-to-moderate hearing loss and provide a natural sound quality.
  • Invisible in canal (IIC): IIC hearing aids are the smallest and most discreet option, fitting deep within the ear canal. They are custom-made to ensure a precise fit, making them virtually invisible when worn. IIC hearing aids are suitable for mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, you’ll usually go with one of these options. You’ll have to speak to an audiologist or doctor to figure out the right option for you. There’s no reason not to book an appointment when you’re experiencing hearing loss.

See an Audiologist Today

If you’re over 50, it’s worth seeing an audiologist every five years, even if you’re not experiencing hearing loss. It’ll help you look after your hearing health and prevent any issues from getting worse. At Pittsburgh Ear LLC, we put you and your hearing health first. As expert audiologists, we have everything you need to look after your hearing. Get in touch at 412-348-8016, 412-348-8195 or 412-348-8194, and we’ll schedule an appointment for you.