Fall Activities and Hearing Aids: Enjoy the Season without Compromising Your Hearing Health

young woman showing off her new blue hearing aids

Wearing hearing aids often means making a few adjustments to your lifestyle. These are all relatively minor and shouldn’t have too much of an impact on your quality of life. You’ll still need to know what they are. While an audiologist helps you properly understand these, there could still be a few things you’re unsure of. That’s especially true as the seasons change. You could do a few things during the summer that you wouldn’t do during the winter, for example.

Even though there are certain factors that can potentially harm your hearing aids if not taken into consideration. During the fall season, it’s advisable to invest some effort in safeguarding your hearing aids. You can achieve this by talking to your audiologist without any concerns about compromising your hearing health or overall quality of life. Let’s delve into the steps you can take to ensure this protection.

Fall Activities That Can Damage Your Ears and Hearing Aids

Numerous autumn activities have the potential to harm both your ears and hearing aids. Being well-informed about these possibilities is essential to prevent any harm to yourself or the need for hearing aid replacements. While the specific activities to watch out for will vary depending on your lifestyle, it’s valuable to explore some of the more prevalent scenarios that could lead to damage.

These include:

  • Going to a concert.

Attending Halloween parties.

  • Using a leaf blower.
  • Hunting or target shooting.
  • Woodworking or doing home improvement projects.

How to Protect Your Hearing Aids This Fall

Caring for your hearing aids is crucial if you aim to preserve your hearing and ensure a high quality of life throughout the fall season. Avoiding the activities mentioned earlier is a given, but there are additional measures you might not be aware of to protect your hearing aids. It’s simply a matter of focusing on a few areas, including:

  • Avoid water and moisture: Probably the most obvious way of protecting your hearing aids this fall is to avoid moisture and water. These can interfere with how your hearing device operates and can damage it. Keep your aid dry and away from any water.
  • Clean the outer shell: You should clean your hearing aids regularly, no matter what the season is. It avoids any dirt building up in the devices, which can then interfere with how it operates. At a minimum, you should clean the outer shell at least once a week to keep it in working order.
  • Be aware of the temperature: Keeping your hearing aids away from any hot or cold temperatures is vital to protecting it. Any excessive heat or cold could damage your hearing aids. Don’t keep your hearing aid in when you’re using a hair dryer, for example. It’s also worth keeping it out of the sun. Put it in a protective case to keep it from fluctuating temperatures.
  • Avoid shock and vibrations: If your hearing aid has vibrated a lot, wires could come out and there could be other damage. Talk with your audiologist about the vibrations. When changing the battery, for example, keep the device on a cushioned surface.

See an Audiologist Today

One of the most effective methods to safeguard your hearing health and ensure the proper care of your hearing aids is to consult with an audiologist. They can provide personalized guidance on how to maintain your ears and hearing. This valuable insight will enable you to fully enjoy the autumn season without concerns about your hearing or hearing aids. In this process, it’s essential to ensure open communication and being honest about any difficulties you have with your audiologist.

If you want to learn more about hearing aids and how to protect them during the fall season contact Pittsburgh Ear LLC. As experienced and highly trained audiologists, we know everything we need to help with your hearing health. Call us at 412-348-8016, 412-348-8195 or 412-348-8194 and we’ll be more than happy to discuss your situation.