
smiling hearing loss patient struggling to hear properly

What is Tinnitus Retraining Therapy?

One of the hardest conditions to live with is tinnitus. It’s not just because the sound you hear incessantly in your ears is annoying, but because it’s a condition that is completely subjective. This means that you can’t just turn to someone and make them listen to the sound that you’re hearing. The loud ringing […]

ear doctor in the midst of creating an audiogram for her hearing loss patient

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Your first audiology appointment can be a daunting prospect, but most of those fears stem from a sense of unfamiliarity. By familiarizing yourself with what to expect from your first trip to the audiologist, you should find that most of those concerns fade away. Here’s all you need to know about what will happen during […]

hearing loss patient holding hand to ear expressively

The Difficulties of Communicating with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is an issue that impacts over 50 million Americans, and the harsh reality is that those problems will affect sufferers on a daily basis. While those challenges can extend to many aspects of your life, there’s no question that difficulties with communication are the worst culprit by far. Here are the many different […]

hearing specialist discussing audiogram results with her patient

When to See an Audiologist About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is very common among all age groups and ranges from mild to profound. If you have noticed changes in your hearing lately and you are over 50, it might be time to pay an audiologist a visit. An audiologist can test your hearing and offer advice. What is Hearing Loss?  Hearing loss means […]

an audiologist performing a hearing examination

5 Benefits of Seeing an Audiologist

If you have been struggling with hearing loss or with your hearing health in general, then you may consider booking an appointment with an audiologist to help get a better understanding of what is going on. There are many benefits to making that first step to visiting an audiologist. Here are some of the benefits […]